Constitutional basis of the National Conservative Convention

What is the National Convention, and what does it do?

The Convention is the body which represents Associations, and therefore in turn, all members and volunteers. Its roots go back to 1867 (see this page for more about its history). Its composition and responsibilities are set out in Part V of the Party Constitution, which is reproduced below:

20 There shall be established and maintained The National Conservative Convention which shall consist of

20.1 the Chairmen of each Association within England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland or a Deputy Chairman nominated as a substitute by the Association at a meeting of the Executive Council of the Association. In respect of Constituencies which have joined together as a Federation or other groupings of Constituency Associations pursuant to the provisions of Article 44 below, then the representation should be the Chairman of that Federation or Grouping and the elected
constituency officers of the Federation or Grouping
20.2 the elected representatives on the Board; and the elected members of the Scottish Management Board of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party; and
20.3 the elected members of the Board of the Welsh Conservative Party; and
20.4 all members of the Area Management Executives as elected in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 5 and their equivalent in Scotland; and
20.5 all Regional Chairmen and Deputy Regional Chairmen as elected in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 5; and
20.6 such further representation from each Recognised Organisation, Specialist Group, or Other Body as the Board shall from time to time determine, having regard to the membership of the individual Recognised Organisation, Specialist Group or Other Body (not exceeding 100 such representatives for all Recognised Organisations, Specialist Groups or Other Bodies), who shall be elected by the members of each Recognised Organisation Specialist Group or Other Body in accordance with their
respective constitutions; and
20.7 the three past Presidents of the National Conservative Convention; and
20.8 the two immediate past Chairmen of the National Conservative Convention;

21 The National Conservative Convention shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 3, a Chairman of the Convention whose responsibility it shall be to ensure that the Convention discharges its functions as set out in Article 24 below. The Chairman of the Convention shall, ex-officio, be a Deputy Chairman of the Board.

22 The National Conservative Convention shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 3, a President of the Convention, who will chair the annual Party Conference, and who shall be a member of the Board and who shall be known as “President & Conference Chairman”.

23 The National Conservative Convention shall also elect three further Officers, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 3, who shall be members of the Board and shall serve as Vice-Presidents of the National Conservative Convention.

24 The functions of the National Conservative Convention shall be to

24.1 support and promote the objects and values of the Party;
24.2 elect representatives to the Board;
24.3 oversee and receive reports from the Board, the Area Management Executives and Recognised Organisations;
24.4 provide a focus for views of Party Members and act as a link between the Party Leader and Party Members;
24.5 keep under review, and from time to time propose to the Constitutional College, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 9, amendments to this Constitution;
24.6 recommend to the Board action that ensures the maintenance of an effective organisation throughout the Country.

25 The National Conservative Convention shall meet at least twice annually. The Leader and the Board shall be invited to attend its meetings.

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