Please find here the latest statistics from the Conservative Party relating to Member Governance cases in 2023.

Please find here the latest statistics from the Conservative Party relating to Member Governance cases in 2023.

The data for 2022 was pulled on 01/03/2023.

The data for 2023 was pulled on 28/02/2024.


Totals 2022 2023
Total complaints 721 580
Total incidents N/A 522
Total complaints dismissed 567 474
Total incidents dismissed N/A 424
Total complaints withdrawn 7 4
Total incidents withdrawn N/A 4
Total complaints resolved at investigation 123 75
Total incidents resolved at investigation N/A 68
Total complaints ongoing N/A 27
Total incidents ongoing N/A 26


Total investigations 2022 2023
Incidents presented to a panel 60 68
Incidents dismissed or no actioned by a panel 10 16
Incidents upheld 50 52
Incidents ongoing N/A 9


For 2023, sanctions are “rounded up” to the most severe of the sanctions issued. For example, if an individual is suspended and required to complete training and issue an apology, it is recorded here as a suspension.

Previously in 2022 this was not the case and all sanctions are recorded. For example, if an individual was suspended, rebuked and received training it is marked as all three. This has created the appearance of the less severe sanctions being more commonly issued.

Sanction Number of sanctions in 2022 Number of sanctions in 2023
Apology 12 0
Removal of posts 12 0
Training 21 2
Rebuke 8 2
Severe rebuke 5 5
Suspension of candidature/office 6 2
Suspension (up to 12 months) 18 11
Expulsion 20 30

Time to resolution:

Timeframe (in days) Incidents resolved in 2022 Incidents resolved in 2023
0-90 77% 65%
91-180 12% 32%
181-365 11% 3%
Over 365 0% 0%

Protected characteristics:

These statistics include ongoing cases, investigations, and dismissals.

For 2023, numbers in brackets refer to the number of incidents rather than complaints. If there is no bracketed number, the complaints all refer to different incidents.

Overview of protected characteristics:

Protected Characteristic Number of complaints in 2022 Number of complaints in 2023
Age Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10
Disability Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10
Gender reassignment 21 19 (9)
Marriage or civil partnership Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10
Pregnancy and maternity Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10
Race 52 30 (22)
Religion or belief
42 30 (28)
Sex Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10
Sexual orientation Fewer than 10 Fewer than 10

Protected characteristic – religion or belief:

Religion or belief Number of complaints in 2022 Number of complaints in 2023
Christianity N/A Fewer than 10
Hinduism N/A Fewer than 10
Islam 12 14 (12)
Judaism 18 13
Sikhism N/A Fewer than 10

Protected characteristics complaints progress summary:

Complaint progress Number of complaints in 2022 Number of complaints in 2023
Complaints related to protected characteristics dismissed by the Presenting Officer 63 60
Complaints relating to protected characteristics which proceeded to investigation 55 37
Ongoing complaints related to protected characteristics 16 3

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