Tell us about your Conservative values

The Conservative Policy Forum (CPF) seeks to reflect the voice of members like you in developing the Party’s policies. Three-out-of-five (60%) of the ideas in the 2024 general election manifesto had been called for by CPF Members.

The CPF acts as a bridge between the grassroots and the Party, especially for Associations and Federations without a Conservative voice in Parliament.

As we rebuild following the election, your voice matters more than ever.

The following survey accompanies a full briefing paper that can be found on the CPF website. Our aim is to capture a quick snapshot of what is important to you and other Members.

The results will be shared and discussed at a CPF event at the Party’s annual Conference, to be held from 29th September to 2nd October 2024 in Birmingham.

Please tell us how we can shape the Party by taking the survey today!

(After you send this form in you should receive a copy of your responses by email. If you do not receive a copy and want one, please email