Join or renew

your Membership

Welcome to the Conservative Party Membership page

Members are at the heart of our Party, shaping everything we do. Without Members, we can't renew our Party and get ready to deliver for the British people again.

So click below to join the Party or renew your Membership, and be part of something special.

I would like to:

Join the Party

Renew my Membership

… and the right type of membership for me is:

Under 26

Great value option for Young Conservatives


This rate unlocks all the benefits of Membership

Armed Forces

Specially for all current and former servicepeople

… and I will secure my Membership here:

Benefits of Membership of the Conservative Party:

Help us win the next General Election

All of your subscription goes towards our campaigns.

Get the latest from inside the Party

With regular member updates and exclusive member invites.

Choose candidates and vote in leadership elections

So you can choose the people you want to represent you.

Influence Party policy

By joining the Conservative Policy Forum. Because your ideas matter.

Take part in our campaign groups

Like the Conservative Women’s Organisation or the Young Conservatives. Meet like-minded people and make a difference to our country.

Connect with local Conservatives

As a member, you’ll become part of your local Association. Support local campaigns and attend social events with members just like you.

Come to Conference

Join our MPs, councillors and activists in the biggest event of the Conservative calendar.

Stand for election

Members have the opportunity to stand for election as Conservatives. So if you decide that you want to take part in our democracy, you can!

Answers to frequently asked questions about Membership of the Conservative Party:

How do I pay for my membership?

Standard annual membership is £39, but we offer reduced rates to serving or former members of our Armed Forces (£25) and those under the age of 26 (£10). We also offer the option to pay for Standard membership by monthly instalments of £3.50, at a small premium to cover administrative costs of processing the monthly instalments.

The easiest way to pay is via our website

Alternatively, payment can be made over the phone at 020 7984 8036 by a credit / debit card or via Direct Debit.

If you wish to pay by cheque, please make it payable to The Conservative Party and send it to the following address: The Membership Department, CCHQ, 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ. Please ensure all cheques are accompanied with your full name and address.

Local Conservative Associations also accept membership payments – please contact them for further information on this.

How do I renew my membership?

You can renew your membership online at or by telephone on 020 7984 8036. You will need a renewal code and your membership number which can be found on your renewal email or letter. 

If you cannot locate your renewal code and you have an email address linked to your membership, please click, scroll to where it says "Forgotten your details?". Then click "Go here", enter your name and address details, and an email will be sent to you containing your renewal details. If you do not see an email within 5 minutes, please check your junk email folder.

If you do not have an email address linked to your membership please email the membership department at or call 020 7984 8036 to receive your renewal code.

Renewal prices will be communicated directly to members at the time of renewal.

How can I update my contact details?

Please email the Membership Department at stating your membership number and old and new contact details and we will update our records. For Association transfers, please see below.

How can I transfer my membership to a different area/Association?

To transfer between Associations, the request must come directly from the Member to the Membership Department at CCHQ. Please email the Membership Department at quoting your membership number and the Association you wish to transfer to. Please note that membership is subject to the approval of local Associations and we cannot action this request until the new Association has approved this. 

Members can only transfer Association once per membership year.

Can I be a member of multiple Associations?

Yes. To arrange this, please contact the Membership Department on 0207 984 8036. Additional memberships incur the standard membership fee – for further information on the cost, please see our pricing plan.

I live abroad. Can I be a member of the Conservative Party?

Yes. Overseas residents are invited to join Conservatives Abroad and will be entitled to all the benefits of Party membership. Your membership will be administered by Cities of London and Westminster Conservative Association and you will be put in contact with your local branch. To join please click here.

When can I expect to receive my membership card?

You can expect to receive a membership card within 28 days. If this has not been received within 28 days, please contact Please be assured that you will never be asked to produce a membership card to prove your membership.

How do I resign my membership of the Conservative Party?

Please email the Membership Department at, stating your request to resign, and quoting your membership number and full name and address. We will then action this and confirm.

Why am I not receiving email communications from the Conservative Party?

First, please check your junk/spam folders. However, we may not hold your current email address. Please email the Membership Department at stating your preferred email address, membership number, full name and address and stating that you are happy to receive email communications from us.

How do I stop receiving email communications from the Conservative Party?

To unsubscribe from future emails please use the 'Unsubscribe' link in any email communication we send you. For any other question regarding communication permissions or the data we hold about you, please contact our Data Protection Team at


Under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) you must be on the electoral register in the UK excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in order to make a donation of more than £500.

If you donate more than £11,180 to the Party, we are obliged under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 to report such a donation to the Electoral Commission, who will publish the fact that you have made a donation over £11,180. For more information, please see

All donations to this unrestricted fundraising campaign will be used to support political campaigning and the operations of the Conservative and Unionist Party and is not time restricted.

The Conservative Party reserves the right to not accept a donation or application for membership.

Donating to the Conservative Party, either centrally or locally, does not automatically make you a member of the Party. If you wish to become a member of the Party please sign up and join via this page (above).

Any financial data such as payment card numbers will be used by The Conservative Party and will be given to our payment providers via a secure method as part of our democratic engagement with electors. Where necessary, your data will be shared with our candidates and elected representatives. For more information please see our privacy notice available at


1. Application for membership of the Conservative Party on-line through the Party’s website ( or via Conservative Campaign Headquarters (4 Matthew Parker Street, London SW1H 9HQ) is subject to review by the Party and its Constituency Associations before final approval. Final approval of on-line or central applications, or non-approval, will be communicated to the applicant in writing as soon as possible after the application is made.

2. If donating more than £500 the donor must be registered on the electoral roll at the time of the donation.

3. Applications will not be considered where the applicant is a member under suspension or is a former member currently expelled from the Party.

4. We will contact you using the details provided to keep you informed about the party and your membership. For more information about how we process your data and your rights please see our Privacy Policy at

5. All party members are bound by the General Terms and Conditions found at